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Eric's Excruciatingly Detailed Star Trek (TOS) Plot Summaries

This file contains links to episode summaries for all episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series.

It has taken a huge amount of time to write all these (there are more than 50,000 words in this document), so please acknowledge your source if you reproduce them anywhere in part or whole. Detailed summaries for a few episodes are still under construction. Thanks to Brian York for creating the index, and to David Landis for pointing out spelling and other corrections. David's corrections, as well as many minor editorial changes, were implemented on Feb 10-16, 1997. David's Hypercard version was then edited by Peter Vince, who provided a number of "official" Star Trek spelling corrections. These corrections were implemented on Apr 6, 1997.

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The summaries can be searched using the above form, downloaded as a single large very file (not recommended unless you enjoy drinking from a fire hose), or viewed an episode at a time.


A Piece of the Action A Private Little War A Taste of Armageddon
All Our Yesterdays The Alternative Factor Amok Time
And The Children Shall Lead The Apple Arena
Assignment: Earth Balance Of Terror Bread and Circuses
By Any Other Name The Cage Catspaw
The Changeling Charlie X The City on the Edge of Forever
The Cloud Minders The Conscience of the King The Corbomite Maneuver
Court Martial Dagger of the Mind Day of the Dove
The Deadly Years The Devil in the Dark The Doomsday Machine
Elaan of Troyius The Empath The Enemy Within
The Enterprise Incident Errand of Mercy For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky
Friday's Child The Galileo Seven The Gamesters of Triskelion
I, Mudd The Immunity Syndrome Is There In Truth No Beauty?
Journey to Babel Let That Be Your Last Battlefield The Lights of Zetar
The Man Trap The Mark Of Gideon The Menagerie I
The Menagerie II Metamorphosis Miri
Mirror, Mirror Mudd's Women The Naked Time
The Omega Glory Operation: Annihilate! The Paradise Syndrome
Patterns of Force Plato's Stepchildren Requiem for Methuselah
The Return of the Archons Return To Tomorrow The Savage Curtain
Shore Leave Space Seed Spectre of the Gun
Spock's Brain The Squire of Gothos That Which Survives
This Side of Paradise The Tholian Web Tomorrow is Yesterday
The Trouble with Tribbles Turnabout Intruder The Ultimate Computer
The Way to Eden What are Little Girls Made Of? Where No Man Has Gone Before
Who Mourns for Adonais? Whom Gods Destroy Wink of an Eye
Wolf in the Fold

Web-accessible Star Trek: TOS resources making use of my summaries include the following: Other Star Trek: TOS resources on the web include:

Change Log

© 1996-8, Eric W. Weisstein
last modified Nov 21 1998
please e-mail comments and corrections to